sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

If a tree falls after the world ends...

Chris Trenchard (SF Weekly): "After the collapse of civilization, you're going to need a few things. Shelter would be good -- any rotting mountain shack will do -- and you'll probably need to find a big garbage container rich in food scraps to fuel your daily fight against the mutant rats. You'll also want to have seen this production of the postapocalyptic play Treefall. It premiered last year in Los Angeles to reviews such as this one from LA Weekly: "Grimy, primal, heady, despondent, yet inexplicably giddy-making for the sheer truth of the ache in its heart." The San Francisco production is directed by Ben Randle, who deals in works provocative and ambitious. Treefall is no exception; it navigates issues of gender, identity, and other primal questions, all discussed through the lives of three orphaned adolescents in the Pacific Northwest. The teens build their own mechanisms for civilization, conceive a deity worth worshiping, and form a family vaguely resembling the institution they once knew. It's Lord of the Flies plus more, Randle says: "The question of gender and identity in Lord of the Flies is very brief, and Treefall takes on a different set of questions." Make sure you pay attention to what those are -- you know, just in case."
Enhorabuena Corinne y amigos.

Corinne Robkin and Joshua Schell - Treefall, by Henry Murray - San Francisco 2011

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